The Ultimate Guide to Securing Your Website: Best Practices

A shocking fact: every 39 seconds, a website faces a hacking attempt. Having a website today is much like owning a storefront; it’s where business happens. But just as you’d lock your store at night, you need to secure your website. 

The number of cyber-attacks is going up, and they’re becoming smarter. This makes website security more important than ever. In this guide, we’ll walk you through some key strategies to secure a website from hackers. 

The Foundation of Web Security: The Strategies

Website security isn’t something you set and forget. It’s like tending to a garden; you must keep an eye out for pests and keep things in order. A big part of this care involves following certain strategies. Let’s get into them.

  • Update Plugins and Extensions

Think of plugins and extensions as apps for your website. Just as you update apps on your phone, you need to update these tools on your site. Why? Because hackers are always looking for ways in. An old plugin can have a weak spot that a hacker knows about.

Not updating is like leaving a window open in your home. It might invite unwanted guests. So, make a note to check for updates regularly. At least once a month is good, but if you hear about a security problem, do it right away.

  • Secure Your Site with an SSL Certificate

Ever seen that little padlock next to a website’s address? That’s thanks to something called an SSL certificate. When they see that padlock, they know their passwords and credit card numbers won’t end up in the wrong hands.

If you’re thinking about getting a Cheap SSL certificate, consider the Sectigo Essential SSL certificate. When you Buy Cheap Essential SSL Wildcard, you’re telling your visitors you value their safety. It’s a small step that makes a big difference in website trust and security.

  • Update Your Site Regularly

Imagine having a bike and never oiling its chain. It won’t work well, right? Websites are like that. They need regular check-ups. If you wonder how to secure a website, one of the first steps is to keep it updated. 

Every update fixes some weak spots and adds extra locks against hackers. So, it’s good to keep an eye out for any new updates. And before you do any updates, always keep a copy of your site. It’s like having a spare key, just in case.

  • Use Strong Passwords

Let’s talk about the keys to your online home: passwords. Just like you won’t use a flimsy lock on your front door, don’t use weak passwords for your site. A good password is like a sturdy lock. It’s hard for hackers to break. So, avoid easy ones like “password” or “hello123”. Mix it up with some capitals, numbers, and maybe a symbol or funny meaning password. 

And yes, try to have a different password for each door, or in this case, each online account. Now, remembering all these strong passwords can be tricky. That’s where password managers, or boxes, come in. They keep your keys safe and organized. It’s like having a keyholder, but for your online doors.

  • Keep All Software Up to date!

Here’s a simple trick on how to make your website secure: keep your software fresh. Think of software as the walls of your online home. Over time, walls can develop cracks. Software updates fix these cracks. If you ignore updates, you’re giving hackers a chance to peek through the cracks. 

Some old software, like certain video players, are often targeted by hackers. So, be smart and keep everything current. Set a calendar reminder or even stick a note on your computer to check for updates. Keeping your software updated is like repainting and fixing your home walls regularly. It keeps unwanted guests out.

  • Train Your Staff

We often spend a lot of time talking about the latest tools and tech to keep our websites safe. But, do you know who’s just as important? The people who use those tools. That’s right, your staff. When figuring out strategies to secure a website from hackers, remember tools don’t make mistakes, but people can.

So, what can you do? Train your team. Training isn’t just showing them how to use the website. It’s about understanding the ‘why’ behind every security measure. The more they know, the better they can protect the website.

  • Regular Backups and Monitoring

Backing up a website is like making copies of your important papers. If something goes wrong, you still have a copy to use. Doing regular backups means you’re always ready, just in case. If your website is busy, with new things added daily, you should back up every day. If it doesn’t change much, then maybe every week is enough. It’s a simple way to avoid big headaches.

Watching over your website is also important. It’s like having a night guard for a shop. Website monitoring tools workday and night, checking everything. If they find something odd, they let you know. 

This way, if someone tries to break into your website, you can stop them before they do any harm. It’s a smart way to know if there’s any danger, even before it becomes a big problem.


Taking steps on how to secure a website is a smart move. It’s not just for the ‘techy’ people; it’s for everyone who has a website. Regular updates, strong passwords, and keeping an eye on things – they’re all part of the job. It’s about making sure that everything is in its right place, and everything is working as it should be.

Backing up your site, updating things, and using strong passwords are like the locks on your doors. It’s a way to make sure that if anything does go wrong, you can fix it as quickly as possible. You’ve got a safety net.

Remember, this isn’t something you do just once; it’s an ongoing process. And if you ever feel stuck, there are experts and services out there that specialize in website security. They can give you a hand in making sure your site is as safe as it can be.