How To Grow Your Blog – Top 8 Ways To Get More Organic Visitors

How can you grow your blog? When you start your blog, you do it for a reason. You have a story to tell that you want to inspire or help others with.
That might be about following a keto diet or inspiring others to earn passive income online. As a starting blogger, you do something. You often have no idea what you are doing.
You choose a domain name, find a topic to blog about and build your first website. Quite a lot comes your way if you start from scratch. Grow your blog by doing several things.
In This Article
Things To Do To Grow Your Blog Organically
If you want to grow your blog or website, you need to be consistent in writing your posts and get enough traffic from Google.
Visitors from Google are free visitors. You get free visitors from Google if you put a lot of attention and time into your SEO. The search engine optimization (SEO) of your website and blogs.
If you write / about keywords that your readers are looking for and keep doing this consistently, you will get higher in the search engine. It is essential that you write valuable and relevant content and that your blog or website’s technology is also in order. Think of a fast website and easy-to-navigate website.
SEO is one of the essential parts if you want to make one of your blogs a successful blog
Organic Visitors From Google, Bing, and Yahoo
If you get as many free visitors as possible from Google, Bing, and Yahoo you don’t need to pay all your time and attention to promoting your content. Then you put more time into writing your blogs. Of course, promoting your content is also important because Google’s algorithm is constantly changing. For example, it can suddenly happen that you get far fewer visitors with the search engine. One of the easiest ways to promote your content is to start a mailing list.
UGC (User Generated Content)
It’s great if your readers leave a comment on one of the many blogs you write. Always use a plug-in to exclude spam comments because you will also see them in words. For example, many people try to sell a service in reaction to your blog. It is fantastic to see the reactions I occasionally read on my blogs.
You want to make use of valuable responses from your readers. The more comments readers leave, the better for your blog. Google sees that your readers create new content on your website. We also call this user-generated content.
Mailing List (Newsletter)
You don’t just collect email addresses. One of the easiest ways to do things is to give something away for free to your readers. Think of a free e-book, a checklist, or a video training. You give something valuable away for free and ask for an email address in return.
Every time you write a new blog, you send the mailing list a message. Make this something personal and share who you are, why you started your blog, and promote your products. If you want to earn an income with your blog, it is good to make your products or to promote the products of others. Please note that these products must fit the content of your blog and your readers.
Engage Other Related Niche Blog Via Comments
It is also perfect for leaving comments on other blogs. Then especially blogs that are relevant in your industry. Imagine that you blog about marketing, then you want to leave comments on other marketing blogs.
You do this to draw attention to your name and blog name and draw the attention of a larger audience. These other readers may not know you yet but will look at your blog out of curiosity—a win-win situation.
Social Media
For most bloggers, it is a challenge to write new blogs every week. Still, this is necessary to grow your blog. Think about how much stress it gives you if you fail once. Then you get the feeling that your blog is not growing. Then consider that promoting your content is much more critical. All the blogs you have already written are there for a reason. So choose a channel and promote your blogs here.
I choose Pinterest because the pins will remain active on it for 3.5 months. As a result, I keep getting visitors to my blog. Do you also want to use Pinterest? Then read the article growing on Pinterest.
Be Consistent If You Want To Grow Your Blog or website
Growing your blog doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and attention. Because you write a blog every week or write several blogs every week, you will become the authority in this area.
You know everything about a specific topic, and that is why your website will get higher in Google. This gives you more and more free visitors, so you get more sales from your blog.
Growing a blog is therefore not accessible. You have to put a lot of time and love into this. If you enjoy working on your blog, you will succeed in growing your blog. Do this step by step and take your time.
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